Keep Yourself Healthy during Coronavirus

As England has National Restrictions on Movment and new variant Coronavirus is circulating more freely in the community Dr Kelly and Dr Whyte are again devoting most of their time to NHS services at King's College Hospital.

We however recognize patients still need attention and Dr Kelly will still see patients for face to face appointments at 25 Harley Street and at The Shard at London Bridge.

Guthrie Clinic for out-patients is closed to almost all but emergency face to face patient appointments from 17 March 2020 for the present time.

Dr Kelly and Whyte will continue to be available for new and follow-up telephone/ video consultations by arrangement.

Blood tests can still be performed at King's, at 25 Harley Street, The Shard or online e.g. by and our doctors can advise what you need and/or arrange them for you.

Conditions that really cannot wait include:

  • Thyroid dysfunction — including thyrotoxicosis; hypothyroidism; all questions around fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeing; weight loss and weight gain; your thyroid and cardiovascular health and your thyroid and skeletal health. Nodular thyroid disease is very common and the risk of cancer is low but if you have a new lump, growth of an existing lump, pain and/or change in your voice then you need urgent attention, that might include blood tests and ultrasonography - all of which we can arrange.

  • Fertility problems — if you want to conceive and carry successfully and healthily you cannot always wait for the coronavirus restrictions to pass. Life moves on and each cycle might be important for you.

  • Pituitary disease — especially if a tumour or inflammation might cause hormone loss or prolactin excess resulting in galactorrhoea (breast milk), menstrual disorders, fertility and/ or erectile or libido problems; a pituitary or hypothalamic tumour might be causing headaches and/or visual loss; pituitary and/or hypothalamic dysfunction is causing adrenal, thyroid and/or water balance problems.

  • Adrenal dysfunction — cortisol deficiency is rare, but it is dangerous. If there is a suspicion of cortisol deficiency, we can advise how to answer the question and if there is definite cortisol deficiency we can arrange your prompt investigation and treatment.

  • Hypertension — the more severe it is the more urgent it is and you may need early assessment and treatment. If there is any suspicion of phaechromocytoma (a rare cause of hypertension) we can advise on prompt investigations and treatment. Conn's syndrome — primary aldosteronism, is common, the hypertension can be severe to mild, but the investigation and treatment needs specialist consideration and attention. We can advise on how urgently you need to be seen and how to investigate and treat you. If you have severe hypertension and established cardiovascular disease, and/or renal disease do not delay seeking help.

  • Diabetes — if you have hyperglycaemia and cannot reduce your sugars to remove osmostic symptoms (thirst and passing too much water), a tendency to oral or genital thrush and/or are losing weight, then you need attention.

  • Menopause and the menopause transition — if you have vasomotor symptoms such as sweating or flushing, mental fog, vaginal dryness or a lack of sense of well-being and cannot get help this should not wait. Again, we can help plan your investigations and treatment.

  • PCOS — menstrual irregularities, impaired fertility, acne, hirsutism all need investigating promptly and thoroughly.

  • Skeletal health, osteoporosis or osteopaenia — while skeletal changes are slow, making sure your are vitamin D replete, have considered your ovarian and testicular health, considered your parathyroids and promptly and effectively stabilised your skeleton all needs specialist attention.

  • Possible, suspected or known cancer

  • Electrolyte disturbances — hyponatraemia, hypercalcaemia, hypocalcaemia, hypokalaemia, hyperkalaemia, hypomagnesaemia and problems with water balance can all have patients feeling unwell very quickly and indicate serious problems that need attention.

If you are not sure, send us an email and we can advise what is best for you.